Gabriele Schlipf | momik* | mobil: +49 (0) 175 - 16 424 97        

Gabriele Schlipf

Gabriele Schlipf: Graphic Recording - Creative Direction - momik*Gabriele Schlipf sees herself as an artistic live interpreter, turning spoken words into accessible images. As a graphic recorder, also called scribe, she will visually summarize any topic in business, science, politics or culture. She is working at congresses, debates, workshops as well as lectures.

Gabriele Schlipf studied Visual Communication at HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd College of Design and at the University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf and graduated from there with an MA equivalent diploma in design studies.
She has since worked as a freelance Creative Director for more than a decade and has applied her idea of “design based upon concepts” mainly to Corporate Design and Information Design.

She lives in Berlin and works everywhere … all over Germany, Europe and the rest of the world.

Contact Graphic Recorder | Art Director | Visual Artist

e-mail |
mobile | +49 (0) 175 – 16 424 97
landline | +49 (0) 30 – 20 83 66 10

Foto: Michael Schrenk


Graphic Recording and Workshops: German, English
Scribing Videos: German, English, French, Spanish, … mostly Latin lettering.

Networking and Colaborations

Gabriele Schlipf is a member of:
* Graphic Recording Berlin
* Der Kongress tanzt

* International Forum of Visual Practicioners
* Illustratoren Organisation e.V.