Festival of Utopia
The second “Festival of Utopia” has been from July 3. +4. 2015 on the site of a former blast furnace of “Ilsfelder Hütte”
100 young Utopists were litterally incubating their ideas and visions due to the future of work, while summer has been on its peak with 40 °C.
Some more inforamtions about the festival >>
Workshop Visual Thinking
How, where and when will your (great-)grandchildren work?
How will they define work? In which currency will they measure and pay the value of work? Money, time water or information? Will they live to work, or work to live/survive?
This workshop is all about the day after tomorrow, about creativity without borders, utopias without limits.
We write and scribble by hand in an old-school manner. Artistic talent is not a must.
With the method of visual thinking and visual communication, we are going to show each other the pictures from inside our brains.
We do sketchnotes, we comb through archetypes, learn how to visualize ideas in an understandable way, and at the end we are going to draw a big picture, all together, of your year 2118.
- working together
- refreshing together
- today
- detail of the wall
- detail of the wall
- details of the utopia
- details of the utopia
- collaborative working on the big picture
- details of the utopia
- details of the utopia
- presentation
- presenttion of the big picture