Gabriele Schlipf | momik* | mobil: +49 (0) 175 - 16 424 97        


Freistil 6 – The Book of Illustrators

Freistil presents 150 Illustrators from all over the world, lots of amazingly drawing colleagues, in most different disciplines of drawing. I am very honored, to represent the discipline of “Graphic Recording”.

freistil cover und Senat Berlin Graphic recording Schlipf momik

Here you´ll find the review of: design made in germany

left side: Graphic Recording for GIZ and EU4business in Armenia.
right side: Graphic Recording of the topic “Production for mobility” for KIT

both sides: work4.0 – Graphic Recording for the administration of the Senate of Berlin.

Verlag Herman Schmidt
ISBN 978-3-87439-896-1
Editor: Raban Ruddigkeit
Here at publisher Herman Schmidt: